Mask Protocol is dedicated to protecting data privacy and building the best bridge between the present (Web 2.0) and the future (Web 3.0). Using our browser extension, you'll have access to over 30 popular Web 3.0 dApps (decentralised apps) and features that work seamlessly on top of existing Web 2.0 sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Setting up your Mask Network Extension

Installing and setting up the Mask Network extension

Creating or connecting your wallet (supports MetaMask/WalletConnect)

How to update the Mask Network extension manually

Backing up your private key

Verify your social media account with Next.ID

Mask Network’s NFT Features

Verify your Twitter profile picture using on-chain data

Customise your Twitter page: Set up a Web3 Tab & create a NFT gallery

Purchase and bid for NFTs via OpenSea/Rarible on Twitter

Check the price of NFTs on Twitter directly via the Valuables plugin

Buying NFTs using MaskBox

Personal Finance / DeFi Features

Trade crypto on Twitter via Uniswap, Sushi, 0x (Support ETH, BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum)

Check crypto info on Twitter (Support CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap)

Invest in your favourite fund manager via dHEDGE on Twitter (ETH and Polygon)

Cultivate a weekly saving habit via GoodGhosting on Twitter (Polygon only)

Participate in lossless lottery via PoolTogether on Twitter (ETH and Polygon)

Launch an ITO (Initial Twitter Offering) (Support ETH, BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum)