GoodGhosting is a lossless savings game, with some friendly competition. By joining a social savings pool, you commit to saving towards a fixed goal. Regular savers - who reach the goal - are rewarded more than people who do not. At the end of the month, everyone gets their initial deposit back. But only the winning players earn extra rewards. This means you earn higher interest rates than when you would save by yourself.

For example, in a hypothetical game, where participants have to save 20 DAI per week and 80 DAI for the month (4 rounds) for $5 reward. You will end up with at least $85 if you make all 4 weeks . If the game starts with 500 people participating and only 250 people finish, then the half who didn't finish will give up their interest to the half who finished. The finished half will end up with $80+5+5=$90 for each person

  1. Find a game in Twitter feed. Make sure you have enough DAI and Matic in your wallet before you start. Recommend over $50 DAI and over 0.1 $MATIC.

    This screenshot is for reference only

    This screenshot is for reference only

  2. Click Join Game, you might see risk warning if you are entering the app for the first time. Click Confirm Risk Warning.

  3. Then unlock the tokens if you are interacting with this product for the first time. You can choose betwwen Exact Unlock or Infinite Unlock. MetaMask will pop up here. We recommend raising the gas at least 50% over the default value on MetaMask.

  4. Now you can finally Join Game. MetaMask will pop up again. After the transaction is complete, you are done with Round 1.

  5. Go to the personal page and you can see that you have made a deposit and the status is winning. You can also choose to leave game.

    Note that leaving game will incur 1% cost.

  6. After the countdown for Round 1 is over, everyone can start on Round 2. Only those who deposited in Round 1 are eligible for Round 2 and onwards. Click Make Deposit for Round 2.

    Note that the Make Deposit button will not show up if you didn't deposit during Round 1.

  7. Click Make Deposit again in the pop-up. The process will be very similar. MetaMask will pop up. After you are done with the transaction you are now finished with Round 2.

  8. To better understand how everyone is doing, let's go to the everyone page. You can see there are 4 types.

  9. Once the waiting round is over, participants will be able to withdraw all the deposits and rewards if the person made all rounds.